The Financial Assembly

The mission to connect everyday individuals to the financial literacy and wealth management capabilities

No matter which stage of life you are at,
we have something for everyone.

Three Core Philosophies


Optimise Coverage

No loopholes, no redundancies. That's what optimising your coverage is all about. It ensures that your coverage will not obsolete in time, right from the beginning.


Minimize Premium

Ensure the cost you are paying is fair for what it's worth. Between what's adequate and ample, there's always a way to ensure that the premium you pay goes a long way for you and your family.


Maximize Returns

Passive income has became a quintessential for retirement. Don't let your money remain idle, let it work for you and prepare you for whatever the future holds.

We also work harder than most,
and ensure that it translates to your financial success.

TFA Awards

Top MDRT Organisation
Top Productivity Award
Top Organisation